Friday, February 25, 2011

Random Act Of Kindness

I love random acts of kindness. It always does my heart good to give to others, especially if they do not know who I am. Yesterday, the shoe was on the other foot. After a full day, I was making my way to pick up my husband on the other side of town in rain and rush hour traffic. As I pulled into the toll booth on Powhite Parkway, the attendant informed me, "the man in front of you paid for your toll!" I thanked the attendant and continued on my journey.

WOW! What a blessing. Seventy cents is a lot of money in these economic times! This random act of kindness made me smile. My day was certainly brighter because of this gesture.

~Have you ever been the recipent of GODS love and kindness at another humans hand? If so, How did it make you feel?

~Have you performed random acts of kindness? If so, How did it make you feel?

Smiling with a heart full of HIS blessings,


Debra Gray-Elliott said...

Andrea, thank you for stopping by and your lovely commnet. I love your post this morning. Random acts of kindness is love in action.

~Shari said...

Lovely words to live by!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love random acts of kindness. I try to do them as often as I can.
May you have a blessed weekend.

Southern Lady said...

How nice! Carla

Warren Baldwin said...

Neat story. Yes, I have been the recipient of such kindness. Makes me feel good. The Old Man comes out, though, too, and I want to do one back! It's hard to receive grace sometimes, isn't it? Blessings are to be gratful for, not to try to out do. We need more RAK to make us realize that! Good post.

Tracy said...

WOW! That was really awesome of the person in front of you. I have been a recipient of RAK and interestingly enough, I feel embarassed and seem to fall over myself while showing my gratitude. It always makes me feel so good, but also uncomfortable at the same time. It goes along with a post I did on Valentine's day about learning how to receive love; it doesn't come naturally to some of us...

Danae Hudson said...

That's wonderful!! I love it :)

I love to accept kindness. I am doing my best to try and accept love as much as I try to give it!

Wanda's Wings said...

Kindness is what this world needs to be about! (((((((Hugs))))))))

Thistle Cove Farm said...

I've been thinking about 'random acts of kindness' a lot lately. When did simply being kind and extending a helping hand become 'random acts of kindness'? Mother and Daddy taught us to lend a hand when we saw a need; it's a way of life, not random, yet so lacking in evidence, it's become an anomaly. How sad.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

What an encouraging post, Andrea! Thanks for sharing it with us.
I wanted to thank you personally for your prayers on behalf of my little granddaughter.


Kathleen said...

I've been both a recipient and a donor of these amazing blessings. I call it "Paying it forward" - - sharing with others what has been shared with me; be it time, or treasure.

How like the Lord to demonstrate His own random acts of kindness.


Becky K. said...

Yay! Love it when that happens. I was at a convenience store counter one day and ran just a bit short of the total. A man beside me paid the difference. I was embarrassed but so grateful for his kindness.

It is way more fun to be the one doing the blessing though....that's all I'll say about that.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Did ya know that last Thursday was National Random Acts of Kindness day. I sent homemade truffles to the gals in the office where Hubs works and he passed out Mtn. Dews to the fellas. I try to incorporate acts of random kindness in each and every day. It's just a blessin' to do.

I love this post sweetie!

God bless ya and have an amazin' weekend!!! :o)

Jessica M said...

What a wonderful blessing! Sometimes it's the small unexpectant gestures of compassion from people that remind us of the beauty that we can find within humanity.

I broke down on a very blustery and rainy night when my daughter was less than a year old. It was a horrible intersection to break down in and I was afraid speeding cars whooshing by would slam into mine which was not in a good location. Upon getting out I decided to try to walk with my daughter to reach a store not too far up the road. It was then a mother in a minivan with a child stopped and offered to take us home. I had never been so relieved in my life! She was an angel that night!

I wrote about this topic and that account in this post:

~many blessings :)

Joyce said...

I love this too!

I let an older gentleman get in front of me in line at the market. He seemed a little bit stressed out by the crowd and the lines and he only had a few items so it wasn't a big deal to let him go in front. And it made both of us feel good.

Enjoy your weekend!

Sandra Wilkes said...

Awareness helps us all remember this every day. Reminders in all forms are wonderful. Sandra

Alice Grace said...

How inspiring! I am beginning to watch for ways I can do random acts of kindness, lately. If everyone did that, wouldn't it be a better world!

Michelle DeRusha said...

I love it -- a small gesture, but impactful nonetheless!

Rose said...

Andrea, I love it. It's not the size or amount but the thought that someone cared enough to bless someone else. I was blessed today by receiving a lovely daily devotional from a friend I have never met. We are blogging friends and she sent me the devotional.
Thanks for sharing your random act of kindness. Have a blessed weekend.

Rita said...

what a blessing! Oh that we would all bring blessings to others when they don't know it! Love it! I have a feeling that you do such things! said...

Just today in fact, I was blessed beyond words when a blog friend gave me her washer and dryer and couch and plenty of food to last a bit. She is relocating with her family to Michigan and she chose to pay it forward. I am humbled to tears. I love that no matter how great or small the gift is, it is still a gift.

Toyin O. said...

My deepest joy comes from performing random acts of kindness; I am sure I will be happy to receive acts of kindness:)

Sharon said...

Yes, I have received random acts of kindness. They make me feel special.

But, performing random acts of kindness? That makes me feel blessed.


Heart2Heart said...


Just goes to show it doesn't take much to make someone's day. I look for more of these that I can do in my day to day, even sharing a smile with someone can make their day that much better.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

KathyB. said...

In answer to your questions, yes, yes, and I felt humbled when I was shown kindness, and appreciative I was able to show kindness. God is so good to us, and the kindness of strangers , well, Praise Him !

Regina said...

Wonderful dear Andrea.
How are you?


Unknown said...

If only all people in the world were like that our world would be a much better place. If people thought about others more than just themselves, then human trafficking, oppression, famine, hunger, disease, and even poverty will all be diminished. We all need to follow in this stranger's example. If we did, then God's ideal world would be achieved, and we would all become free from sin.