Monday, July 30, 2012

Journal Notes: Our Journey

Notes from my journal during our recent vacation. Doug asked me to share them.

Our Journey

Our days at 251 Longfellow Cove are narrowing....coming to a close. Fourteen days fly by. Time together priceless. From our first visit several years ago until now, Doug and I have changed. Our relationship has grown. Our lives have taken many twists and turns. With each storm, we've taken one step closer to each other and to our Lord. We've danced a beautiful dance along the way. Our lives beautifully intertwined by the hand of Almighty God. Sweet fellowship and tender touch is easy and natural. Spoken words easy and gentle with nothing held back. Honesty and truth intensify and build our love. We are stronger together as one.

Gracefully, we stumble together taking one step at a time into the future God has for us. We come to this place embracing the work God set us to. Sometimes difficult and painful, yet easier hand in hand. We will continue forward. When one of us is tired the other will wait. When the road becomes to difficult for both of us, we will share a shelter in the hand of God. We will in the end find rest together as God renews and strengthens our hearts and souls.

By HIS mercy and in the grip of HIS grace,

Andrea Bowling Perdue

Friday, July 6, 2012

Life Is Fragile

Life is fragile. At any moment our lives could be altered and forever changed. Many times, I internalize my feelings or allow situations to eat at me. In doing so, I am wasting valuable time. Life here on earth can be difficult, but we should not allow those difficulties to hinder or true call. Every situation I face has the potential to shine God's glory and love through me. Let's shine brightly today!

By HIS mercy and in the grip of HIS grace,

Andrea Bowling Perdue