Monday, September 10, 2012

Football, Faith, and Family

The approach of fall brings cooler temperatures, a majestic transformation of God's majesty as we are visually stimulated by the beautiful colors of the leaves, and for many it brings a new season of "football!" Over the years, football has been serious business in my (Bowling) family! This past week, God began to speak to me as I thought about football and my family! Here's what HE had to say:

Where there is competition there will always be one winner and one loser, unless all parties carry the "love of JESUS" in their hearts. With JESUS, "everyone wins" no matter who wins the "football" game! Most importantly, "JESUS WINS" another victory for the "ULTIMATE HOME TEAM!"

So, as you go forward with passion pulling for your favorite football team, remember to NEVER allow satan to use the sport you enjoy to cause problems with family and friends! It seems silly when we think about it, but it happens!

Look for ways to use your passion for football to share your passion for JESUS! Shouldn't football, faith, and family co-mingle happily?

By HIS mercy and in the grip of HIS grace,

Andrea Bowling Perdue


Denise said...

Awesome post my friend, thanks.

Simone said...

I loved this because it is so true. Little things can turn into bigger things.

Kathleen said...

Confession: I'm not a football fan. Yikes!

But I do love Fall ... The earthy smells that waft through an open window; the gloriously arrayed trees & shrubs; the crisp night air.

I do like shopping. Does that count?


Diana said...

Oh yes it should all mingle together.After all, football is supposed to be fun!
Love Di ♥

Beth E. said...

Like Sassy Granny, I'm not a football fan, either. BUT, I do understand what you're saying. We can take whatever passion we have - whether football, shopping, running, singing, etc. and use it for the glory of God!

Great post, you!

consultaespecialistas said...

It can be difficult to figure out what God’s will is for our lives. After all, there’s no formula where we can plug in the numbers and get a nice, clean answer! Trying to determine God’s will can leave us feeling puzzled and confused, but here are a few tips that can help you as you pursue what God has in store for your life. Let’s take a look:
1. Dive into the Bible. Maybe one of the reasons why there’s no cut-and-dry formula for determining God’s will for our lives is that God wants us to look to him for the answers. And in order to hear his voice, we need to build an intimate relationship with him. consulta online medico online pediatria online medicina online doctor online dermatologia online veterinaria online veterinaria online physician online consultoria online abogado españa online abogado colombia online abogado mexico online abogado españa online abogado online psicologo online doctor online psicologia online abogado online psicologo online One of the best ways to get to know God better is to study and understand the Bible. Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path” (NLT). Through Scripture, God helps us see things we have never seen before, both about him and about us. So dive into the beauty and truth of God’s Word. You’ll be amazed at what you discover!