Thursday, November 1, 2012

GOD Speaks!

God speaks to us through HIS word, through prayer, through creation, and through the hearts of other believers. Once again, I am reminded of HIS call on my life. HE wants me to use the gifts HE has given me.

This morning, several friends said:

"Your job is to respond and obey immediately. It is NOT your job to try and figure everything out!"

"When GOD speaks, respond with reckless abandonment!"

"I love your pictures, why don't you publish a book?"

"What are you waiting on? Get with it!"

It seems GOD is once again trying to get my attention! Please pray with me as I "try" to be obedient and not question the steps along the journey! As much as I get excited thinking about what HE has placed in my heart, I am equally scared.

By HIS mercy and in the grip of HIS grace,

Andrea Bowling Perdue


Just Be Real said...

Praying for the obedience as well Andrea. So, lifting us both up to what God has in store for us and to take away the fear and the doubts of our own minds and others.

Thank you for sharing. Blessings.

quietspirit said...

Dear Jesus;
Please guide Andrea as she listens for your voice. Help her to obey Your call on her life. In the name of Jesus, I pray. AMEN

Mary Moss said...

Ah . . . so I'm not the only one! You know I love you and pray for you and your journey :-)cirrvotici

Denise said...

I think you should do this sweet friend. Praying for you.

Trisha said...

So good that you can hear God's voice when He is speaking to you. Blessings.

consultaespecialistas said...

It's very possible to be a "religious person" but not have a real "relationship" with your Heavenly Father. Such was the case with the Pharisees of Jesus' day, and I'm convinced is also the case with many modern Christians (John 5:42). They may go to church, attend Bible studies, and be very religious—and still may not have truly developed a relationship with God and Christ. Obviously, there isn't a more important relationship you can develop than this one! Everything in your Christian life hinges on this, including your very eternal future (Romans 8:15; Jeremiah 30:21-22). The Bible says: "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." (James 4:8) God desires to be near you, but the relationship must be mutual. It's also important to know that you must put God first to have a proper relationship with Him. Jesus said:
The most important [commandment] is this: `Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' (Mark 12:29-30) consulta medico pediatra medico doctor dermatologo veterinario veterinario lawyer online consulta abogado abogado abogado abogado abogado psicologo doctor psicologo abogado abogado So, step #1 is to draw near to God. Re-commit yourself to God and Christ. Fully—with "all your heart, soul, mind, and body." 100%. Anything less is not enough. Truly be willing to do WHATEVER He asks of you in the Bible. If it says it, do it. Let no one or nothing keep you from it (Matthew 7:21; 28-18-20). If you do this, you're going to make it.