Some paths are easy.
Some paths are not.
Some paths bring joy.
Some paths forgot.
"By your words I can see where I am going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path. I've committed myself and I'll never turn back from living by your righteous order." Psalm 119:105-106 The Message
What path are you on?
Who is your guide?
Following the leader (my Heavenly Father),
That is a wonderful version of this scripture, Andrea! How I pray that I am on His path, and that He is my guide, always, so that I can live by His righteous order!
God bless,
loved this
Perfect Andrea. I am on the path to freedom. Blessings and big hugs....
I'm on the path to Mommyhood!
I really enjoyed this sweetie.
I love 'following the leader.' Tons of blessings to you.
I liked this as well, and a great gentle reminder of where do we want to be? The only true Leader is Jesus Christ. Been a tough day or two, if we come to mind, please say a prayer. Thanks!
Enjoyed these sweet thoughts today...thanks!
Living it up at Lakewood,
I'm on a path of learning more and more how wonderful my Heavenly Father is.
Following Him with you on this narrow road...God bless and have a great day sister!
I love the Message. I'm feel like the deer that pants at the brook- longing for my Savior.
I pray that I stay on His path always!
I am on that narrow path Jesus talked about.
Hugs to you,
Striving to stay on the Narrow Path at all times. Thankful that He will direct me back if I stray.
Love you!
Amen!!! He is light in this very dark world! So thankful that He lights our way and leads on a plain path...
bless you,
AMEN!! I love your poem and so blessed by the MSG version of that scripture.....
"By your words I can see where I'm going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path!.......Thank you Jesus!
Have a blessed day!
I can say I am now on that narrow path and never ever want to walk any other road....
I have been praying that he LIGHT the way so that I can see clearly! SUCH A GOOD WORD...
Have a blessed day,
Amen...nothing like following this Leader...onward to victory!
I've come to find the further I stray away from God's path, the less happy I am. It's still a daily struggle. Thanks for continuously and gently nudging me back on the correct path ~ HIS path.
Chester's Mom
What a great post! I especially like the follow the leader part!
Beautiful my friend. Your posts are so inspiring.
Although I love my NIV and NKJV Bibles, I sometimes like reading verses in The Message. The meaning jumps out at me fresh and clear because I can get so accustomed to my NIV or NKJV that I am almost numbed.
I am so grateful that no matter what the path holds in its twists and turns, ups and downs, I have the ultimate Guide who will never leave me! My steps can be confident and secure.
Yes, somedays I trip up on the things that stick out on the path, most of the time I am looking forward!
Margaret B
There is only one leader........JESUS CHRIST, and I will follow Him all the days of my life!
Blessings, sweet sister~
Hi Andrea,
I have an award for you to pick up on my blog.
See the post "Overjoyed" . Congrats!
Love this...
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