No, I have not stolen the title to my dear friend Mary's new blog. I simply wanted to grab your attention. I pray each of you will visit Just Be Frugal and follow Mary. Mary astounds me with her advice on frugality. I do not know anyone who does not want or need advice in this area of their lives. Mary is a gentle, kind, and loving woman of the Lord! I praise GOD for bringing her into my life. She continually blesses me beyond explanation. Join me in receiving the blessings of GOD through the heart of Mary.
Blessed by Godly friendships,
Stopped to say "hi"
I need to learn to be frugal, so I'm going to check it out.
love and hugs~Tammy
Thanks for the link. Sounds like it will be a great blog to follow.
I love being Frugal. Thanks for the links...I will visit her.
Sister Mary has so many tips and who doesn't want to save extra "money?" Thank you for sharing. Blessings to you sister.
Wow, That is a great blog. I have added her to my list. Thanks for sharing. :) I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Have a super great week. God Bless!
Thank you Andrea, I need to be more frugal so I'm going to visit.
Penny's button came out awesome!
Thank you for the sweet comment you left for me. You are such an encouragement.
Hope you have a beautiful week, my friend.
Oh boy,a new blog to go visit!
Thanks for the link dear one! Frugal, yep can use that! Blessings.
Thanks - I'm going to check her blog out.
Hi Andrea,
I have enjoyed getting caught up with your blog today! So nice to have a little free time to visit my sweet friends. Heading over to Mary's blog now - thanks for the heads up! We can ALL use some good advice during these hard economical times!
Blessings and hugs sent your way today!
Hi Andrea,
Thanks for the referral. I am always trying to be frugal.
Hope you have a great week. :)
Thanks Andrea,
I'll head over there now...
Living it up at Lakewood,
Awesome! I'll check her out!
Mary also amazes me with the time and amount she writes! I don't know where she gets all the ideas. She is a great writer.
You too!
Being frugal? Sounds just like what I am trying to do currently. I'll pop over and visit her. Thanks for sharing, Andrea. And thank you for being a committed bloggy friend to me. :-)
Mary is great at what she shares.
It is a necessary way of life now. Always room for improvement! :O)
Glad to read the update on your Aunt Mary. Will continue to pray. Thank you for being such a faithful follower to my place- you matter to me! Now I'm off to follow this frugal link! (I always thing 'frugal' sounds like a type of raisin fudge!)
Thanks for the tip, heading there now...
Now following Mary's blog. Thanks Andrea!
Mary Ellen
Frugal is what we need in this economy! Thanks.
Andrea, I am sorry to hear the news. I am continuing to Keep Your Aunt Mary in my prayers. My thoughts are with you, May God continue to comfort her and help her and your family during this time. Please keep us posted. God bless you my friend.
Popping over to Just Be Frugal... and speaking of frugal... the fine deal really works... it is a non issue for the kids to leave things on now... if only we could train Pa:)
I'm going there right now....anything you plug...I know has got to be great. Thanks for this. Sending you tons of hugs.
I can always use frugal ideas! I'll have to stop by :-) Thanks for sharing!
I can always use frugal ideas too, so thanks for pointing out such a great site.
Thanks Andrea! This is my fave way to find blogs :) Through reccomedations from friends! I will head over there right now!
Thanks for the tip! She has a great blog. I'm always looking for new ideas to stretch every dollar.
love meeting new people!! especially with sound advice for this economy =)
Thank you for sharing this. WE all need to learn a few more tips on being frugal. It is a good virtue to have, and yes, I will hop on to Mary's blog from here.
Dear Andrea thank you for always leaving a timely and encouraging comment for me so regularly. You don't know how that lifts me up... and I do want you to know I appreciate you and thank God for sending you to my life.
The care you show others will surely be returned to you in many more ways!
Hi Andrea,
So much fun to find another frugal gal. I actually kind of love being frugal right now, makes me feel good... Glad to hear your aunt is doing a little better. I really hope you get to celebrate 100 in March. That is so cool. I will pray that she is resting more comfortably and for her daughter, that she is able to cope with the stress of the whole matter. Take care, hope you are having a great beginning to the year 2010. Mine has been crazy, but my entire life seems crazy, so why am I surprised?
I'm sure I could learn from you friend's blog.
I will send some warmth your way!
Thanks for the tip on your friend's blog. I will definitely be checking that out...In today's economy we all need to be soo much more frugal. Thank you for all your prayers and kind words about my grandchildren. You are such an encouragement to me. Blessins to you, Debbie
Four dogs? Wow! I am allergic and have asthma but the doc said I could keep the beagle and the poodle doesn't seem to bother me any.
Thanks for the link, I popped over there and checked her out. It's always fun to see a new blog!
Thanks for sharing the link...I can definitely use the help.
Thanks for the heads up, Andrea!
I'm up in the middle of the night visiting blogs (& trying to get baby back to sleep!) and thought how ironic this was since my post tomorrow is on frugality. Can't wait to visit the link! And thanks for stopping by my blog and entering the grapeseed oil giveaway! Glad to "meet" you! :)
I even had the pleasure of getting lots of good advice from her on the phone the other day. What a blessing she is! :)
Just visited so busy lately.
I'll try to visit her. Thanks for sharing.
Will be stopping by soon to visit your 'frugal friend'.
Just wanted to come by and say hi to you and to invite you over to my new blog: 'The End Of The Rainbow: Life After Bankruptcy'.
You can catch an update on my old 'Sad Housewife' blog and then, if you're so inclined, head over to the new one, where I will be from now on.
All your prayers were indeed heard and answered for me and my family, sweet Andrea.
And I love you and thank you for it.
Peace and Serenity,
Thanks for the link my friend...will pop over to visit her. Many blessings for the rest of your week.
You have so many good connections. Have you been blogging a long time? You're good! Thanks for tuning us in to Mary's frugal blog. What a great idea and what cute graphics.
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