Friday, May 7, 2010

Laughter Amidst Blog Issues

"Laughter is carbonated holiness." Anne Lamott

Today, I am trying to laugh rather than cry. Blogger has been quite the challenge the last week or so. I am currently working on resolving the technical issues. I should say, I have friends who are kind enough to try and help me resolve them. If you are a new follower, please leave me a comment. I would like to visit your blog.

As for laughter, it is great medicine for our soul. How we handle small problems, such as this one or big ones greatly affects the outcome. No, the problem may not go away, but our spirit is affected by how we look at the problem. Stress is proven to cause medical issues. So, today I ask you to look at your problems (great or small) through the eyes of your Heavenly Father. Surrender them to HIM! Learn to laugh in the midst of it all.

"He will once again fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy." Job 8:21 NLT

"We were filled with laughter,and we sang for joy.And the other nations said,“What amazing things the Lord has done for them.” Psalm 126:2 NLT

Praying each of you have a blessed weekend,



Parsley said...

Blogger issues are annoying but I'm sure it will resolve. Have a laughter filled weekend.

Dorcas said...

Thank you for this. I have been following you for a bit. This helps me and helps me share with others.



Carol said...

Hi Andrea,

I hope your blog issues get resolved quickly. Have a blessed day.


Denise said...

Yes, laughter is a great stress reliever. Sorry about your computer problems.

Ruth said...

Loved that tree in your picture!

Hope your blogger issue will be resolved soon.

Blessings to you, Andrea.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Andrea,
What a gorgeous tree in your photo! I love those scriptures. Laughter is indeed good medicine! Hope you get your blogger issue resolved soon. I have a prayer request on my post today. Please stop by.
Wishing you a lovely day.


Nikki (Sarah) said...

don't sweat the blogger stuff. it will resolve. And laugh girl...laugh from your toes totally deserve to.

Girly Muse said...

Oh, that can be so frustrating. Glad you're laughing. :)
Have a blessed weekend.

Cathy said...

Great reminder Andrea. Thank you. Hope you get your blogger issues fixed soon.

Anonymous said...

You know, Hon, in the grand scheme of things, Blogger misbehaving is a minor issue. I do understand the frustrations. It seems lately, any time I try to leave a comment, I have to send it two or three times. :(


Andrea, how appropriate...laughter..I'm ringing in my Sabbath with it.

christy rose said...

Amen laughing always helps!!

RCUBEs said...

Been feeling awful from my allergy, trying to laugh this morning as I dropped off my son at school. Coughing in between. He asked, "Mom, are you okay? Stop laughing so you won't cough!" he said concerned. I said, "No! I'm coughing anyway. I might as well laugh and cough!!" So, thank you for reminding us that yes, we can laugh amidst the troubles we're in. Because when we give it to the Lord, He surely makes them light. Blessings to you sister and Happy Mother's Day.

Vickie said...

Hi Andrea hope your blog issues are resolved soon.It can be quite frustrating.

Your post made me think of the statement that says our attitude in the desert determines how long we stay there.

Keep smiling. Happy Mother's Day to you.


Lynn said...

Andrea, computer problems can be very annoying for sure! I have missed your visits on my blog and thought perhaps you were having problems with your computer. I'm so glad to have you back!

There are those times when I feel down, depressed, and laughter isn't anywhere to be found, but it is wonderful knowing that there are wonderful people in my life who are so very uplifting at the very times that I need them the most! You are definately one of those people Andrea! Thank you so much my friend!

Have a very Happy Mother's Day and a wonderful day and weekend too!


Nancy said...

You are so right. Laughter is one of the best things we can do when annoyances come. Hoping you get your issues sorted out.

Just Be Real said...

Great post of promise Andrea. I laughed a lot as a kid when I was with my friends. I am hoping to regain that back one day.

Brooke said...

Thanks for reminding me how much laughter is good for us! I hope you have a great weekend!

Lori Stanley Roeleveld said...

Wonderful attitude, Andrea!

Debbie Petras said...

Andea, I'm so glad you can share the frustrations you're dealing with. I'm sure many of us can relate on some level.

But laughter is oh so good! I remember knowing a family whose mother was often in the ER. I was working as a nurse. It was unpleasant for them and yet in the midst they could always find something to smile and laugh about. Often it was the silliest things. But I always remembered that. Laughter changes your perspective.


Saleslady371 said...

Good idea to laugh more especially when the computer is a challenge!

Anonymous said...

I am laughing with you, Andrea. We need laughter at so many steps of our way.
May your weekend be blessed.
loving you, ~ linda

Tracy said...

Good word; especially like the picture that the Lamott quote brings. As one with plenty of challenges currently, I sure am grateful for God's joy in the midst of hard times, for the ability to laugh.

momstheword said...

I know so little about computers, but I've had blogging issues from time to time and it's frustrating! Laughter exercises the liver so here's to a healthy liver, lol!

Christine said...

Not a new friend but a true friend!
Great advice. Sometimes it helps to shake your head when laughing at yourself.

Simple Home said...

Laughter is a great way to take your mind of the stress of the day and get outside of yourself. I hope you get your blogging issues worked out.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Hope your issues get resolved quickly! That tree is so pretty - looks like it's covered in snow! said...

So sorry you're having technical difficulties. Hopefully, it will be resolved soon.

How is sweet Amden doing?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sorry about your problems with blogging :( I will say a prayer.
Laughing is so much fun, I am trying to do more of it. God Bless.

Gaia said...

This is so true, our stresses will affect us physically. I had my share, but now learning to leave it to GOD more... and worry less too.
Most are beyond our control, we can only do but pray. I've always laughed a lot, but I also worry a lot. Making a change. Bless you.

Tammy said...

My mom was a good one for looking at a problem and having a 'good' laugh.

A good reminder!

Karen said...

Amen! Wise advice here....

Diana said...

Very nice Andrea and I hope your issues are resolved soon!
Love Di ♥

Debbie said...

There is nothing like a good laugh or some humor to lighten a load. I love it. How wonderful is it that the Lord blessed us with this wonderful release? Hope all your computer issues iron out soon. I find those sooo frustrating too. Have a wonderful week-end. HUGS, Debbie

Unknown said...

Thanks for this reminder to put things into perspective and to choose laughter in spite of problems!! Laughter IS good medicine! And our God is good all the time! Happy Mother's Day, Andrea!

Wylie @ Shout A Joyful Noise! said...

Happy mother's day sweet Andrea!

Unknown said...

You are such an uplifting friend, Andrea! Your bubble is always looking for a place to burst forth in joy! I so enjoy(ed) you ...

Happy Mother's Day weekend ...
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

quietspirit said...

All troublesome things 'come out in the wash'. I can't afford, healthwise, to get too worked up over the inconsequential things of life.
Cyber problems are not necessarily inconsequential but most are above my head.

I pray about them and then wait.

Meg and Joe said...

Laughter is the best way to brighten an otherwise dreary day! Thanks for the thoughts! :)

LisaShaw said...

I so know how blogger can be dear friend but keep laughing in all things and praising the LORD all the more.

I came by to say Happy Mother's Day to you! Love you and praying for you!!!

Nancy said...

Stopping by again to wish you a very Happy Mother'd Day.

Rita said...

Sometimes you have to laugh just to keep from crying! Hope you get all the bugs out of the computer. And I also hope that you had a good Mother's Day!

Deb said...

I needed this reminder.

Sometimes I forget to laugh.

Will work on that this week.

Sweet dreams.

Unknown said...

We were praying the other night during our small group and someone's tummy kept talking to us all got so tickled we were just giggling. Laughter does a body good!

Auntie Cake said...

Hey Girl,
So sorry you have had blogging issues this last week! I have had "time for blogging" issues this week. Sigh. Hoping to catch up with everyone this week.

Wishing you the most precious Mother's Day with your family!

Lora said...

What beautiful blooms on the trees pictured! The whole earth is full of His glory!

Praying your blogger issues are resolved soon. Love your positive and God focused outlook.

Blessings to you on Mother's Day!

Alleluiabelle said...

Dearest Andrea,

Despite the blogger issues...yes yes yes laugh. That is what my dear mother always said to me. She would say, "You have to laugh about (whatever the problem was) because it doesn't do you any good to cry about it." She was absolutely right. My mother sooo loved to laugh.

I love you dearest of dearest sisters. Happy Mother's Day. I hope it truly was beautiful for you.

I'm still not quite back in the loop of getting to blogs and commenting, but trying a little at a time when able amidst all of the chaos of my husband's health issues.

Big Hugs,

Edie said...

I hope you had a Happy Mother's Day.

Beth E. said...

Anytime I have blogger issues I have to get help from my two sons! I hope everything clears up soon.

Praising God for His joy in the midst of the frustrations in life!

Ozjane said...

That blossom is glorious......I shall hold it in my mind as we enjoy Autumn and venture into what I hope will be a mild but wet winter.