For the last few weeks I have been working my way through 1 Samuel 15-31, watching Saul chase David in the wilderness. With each encounter David sought God's direction while Saul went about doing things his own way. No matter how bad things were, God never left or abandoned David. He was with him every step of the way.
Many of us are in our own wilderness, now. Some are experiencing devastating disease, some family crisis, others financial crisis. The list goes on and on and does not seem to end. We must cling to GOD like never before and patiently wait on HIS lead in each situation. Clinging, no problem for me. Patience, well that is another matter all together. Clearly, I, with most of you, am still a work in progress. Oh, how I long to be a woman after God's own heart. Each of us must examine our own hearts. Will we be found to be a David or a Saul?
With many things on my heart during this study, God gave me a prayer:
Father, please be with all my friends, their families, and my family, immediate and extended....those I know and those I don't know....those who love me and those who don't. Bless each of them and draw each one of them into your good and perfect will. Do whatever it takes to for them to surrender to your good and perfect will. Please do not allow me to be a hindrance to their faith and please forgive me if I have caused harm to anyone in any way. Father, please mold each of us into the people you created us to be. Let us be men and women, like David, with hearts for God and God alone!
By HIS mercy and in the grip of HIS grace,