Monday, February 10, 2014


After Sunday morning church, Savannah and Elijah climbed a big hill. I thought I would take their picture by the "three wooden crosses" standing atop the hill by our church (New Life UMC), with my I-phone.

On the way back down, they began to stumble. Stumbling became rolling and rolling became crawling out of the the only mud puddle in sight. At least and acre of land around the crosses and they land in the only mud puddle we could see.

Lauren (our daughter and Elijah's mom) and I laughed hysterically as did Savannah and Elijah. Both children were muddy and wet from head to toe. Elijah's little wool dress coat will be going to the dry cleaners, today. Lauren and I could see it was going to happen, but there was nothing we could do to stop it.

Isn't that the way life is sometimes? We are moving along, making wise steps, climbing mountains hand in hand with those we love, and the next thing we know we slip and fall into a messy mud puddle. It's in that moment we have two choices:

1)Get angry and wallow in the mess flinging mud on all those around us.

2)Help one another out of the mud puddle, clean up the mess, and move forward with hearts full of love and laughter.

So, the next time you unexpectedly land in one of life's mud puddles, clean up the mess and embrace the next step God has for you. Life's too short to linger in the muddy places consumed with anger and/or guilt about the fall. Be thankful for the journey and watch your step.

Remember, we are all one step away from a slip-sliding mess. Keep your eyes on Jesus and enjoy the journey.

"Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow."
Psalm 25:4 NLT

By HIS mercy and in the grip of HIS grace,

Andrea Bowling Perdue

~If you are wondering, the series of pictures I took did not come out. Too much glare! 


Denise said...

Wonderful post, loved it.

quietspirit said...

YOu did well by connecting the children's fall into the mud puddle with our mishaps of life. Good thoughts.

Sharon said...

Great post! Yup, sometimes life is a muddy mess! Fortunately, because of Jesus, our sins have been washed white as snow!