Thursday, January 29, 2009


One day a door opened
A wall torn down
One day a door opened
A deep love was found
Written words
Opened the door
Deep recesses explored
A perfect love she thought
Written words once brought
One day the door slammed closed
A wall arose
The heart once open
Now is closed
"What words," He said
As her heart bled
No longer important
No longer read
The sun once bright
Now a fading light
The door he once opened
Now closed tight
A day to remember
A day to believe
A perfect love she perceived
That day now ends
What she thought important
Was only pretend


Mary Moss said...

This is just beautiful. Very powerful poem.

Attic Clutter said...

WOW you've really got it ~!!
You are very talented ..I loved it
hugs, Patty