This picture was taken a few weeks ago looking down on the Luray farming valley from the room we stayed in at Skyland Lodge. Each night, we would sit and look at the lights.
As we prayed for those living in this little community, I wondered if there were those who lights had been snuffed out by loss of job or other means. I could not help but pray more for those I could not see.
Yesterday, Doug and I were able to assist a young couple in donating $500 worth of food to the Virginia Food Bank. They had saved all year in order to participate in the food drive. This couple truly sacrificed to make this donation. Doug and I were privileged to witness their effort and be a small part of helping make their sacrifice happen.
Please consider donating food to your local food bank and remember to pray for all those you are unable to see.
Praying for those in need,
A beautiful reminder.
That is awesome, Andrea! God's richest blessings on you!
What a beautiful sight and a beautiful gesture from beautiful people!
Bless you my friend
You exemplify what "love" truly means...I just came over really quick. Was not planning to visit any yet but I saw you just posted. Gotta' come here first sister and send you "hugs". God bless you sister. That's a beautiful picture and praying for those who are in need is a great thing to do. Have a great day...
Our Sunday School class did a food drive a couple of weeks ago for a family within our church that is currently unemployed. It was so little sacrifice on our part to bless a family so much! We had a small part and allowed God to use us to help meet this young family's needs. It was awesome!
Thank you for reminding us to think of our community. Sometimes we think we don't live in "that area" where people are struggling, but we's everywhere.
I often become so involved with my own world that I overlook or fail to perceive the needs of others. So many people are hurting right now. It seems everyday I hear of someone in need, whether it's physical, spiritual, financial, or other.
Thank you for reminding me to look out over the horizon. May the Lord bless you for you love and care and faithfulness.
I love this. Your life, you - are a gift - I am so glad I 'met' you. Sarah
You & your husband are truly His hands extended. What a privilege to pray over our communities. Beautiful picture.
Good reminder for all year! There are so many opps to give this time of year!
new URL:
Such a relevant post for me today, Andrea. Not only is this Thanksgiving season where thinking about who and what I am thankful for is on my mind, but for all those who are without so much this year, been through so much this year, are in Iraq and Afghanistan this year for the first or the many-ith time! For the blessings I have, I can only lift my hands and praise God for all and be thankful He allows me to pray for those who have less, for those who need protection.
My thoughts this day. ~ linda
What a wonderful reminder Andrea. I am reminded how close we are to Christmas and that these organizations need to received their donations of toys, food, and money well before Christmas. I need to get on it!
That is a great thing to hear!! We all need to do that, especially this year.
Thank you for your kind words.
As I'm reading your post I'm enjoying the Cat Stevens tune. Thanks for the reminder to notice those around me and reach out and give. I'm always extra blessed by people like this couple that you mention; they give even when it's not like they're rich in money.
I just went through my closet recently. Our local spot, The Good Samaritan, is our only food and clothes pantry. With unemployment in our little town running at 11.3% they can't keep up with the demand.
What a beautiful picture. Once a month I donate food to the Salvation Army. Blessings to you Andrea, thank you!
I would agree with you that with our economy falling apart, we need to be more neighborly now more than ever before and really give generously to help others out. Both our kids have donated to their schools to help out families and we are working with my brother to help him out since he has found himself out of work this year.
Let us all reach down deep and really help out.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Such a precious reminder, bless you dear.
Such a beautiful reminder, thank you for sharing.
You and your hubby are such sweet blessings to church supplies food through our Harvest House...the needs are way up this year as they are everywhere...if everyone that is able to give a little, would just do that...what a difference it would make in people's lives....
Oh, Andrea, how wonderful! We continually supply the food bank with our church. Makes me/us feel so good to help out. Bless you all ... TTFN ~Marydon
PS TY for the warm wishes, I feel really good tonight.
wat a beautiful view :)
Your heart is so B-I-G !!
Thank you demonstrating God's love to others.
Hugs to you and your husband.
I agree with you. It is necessary to help those we do not see. God sees them and that's enough. I have been a giver as well as receiver of God's mercy through others. I like being the giver better! Love you, sweet friend!
Lovely thanks for sharing
A sweet post, praying for them ~ Yes, so many must be hurting these days.
I love your picture,it's beautiful. Thank you for the reminder of those that are hurting and in need. God Bless!
We are having a food drive, currently, in our own church. There are many less fortunate as wel as in need this time of the year. Lovingly, Yolanda
What a wonderful view! Your post is a wonderful reminder of the many who go without everyday. We can all do something for another. Thank you for your visit today, Andrea. I want to thank you also for your prayers on Jim's behalf! There are so many in need of a healing. Have a wonderful day.
Our church gives us lots of opportunities to give something to local families in our community who are in need. It's just an awesome way to be able to give and I have always appreciated being able to instill that example in our children.
~ Nan
That picture is just beautiful and I love that you prayed for the people behind the lights.
What a wonderful thing for that young couple to do - many lives were touched by that gift!
Looking out and praying over a city, just like Jesus did. What a great idea.
Oh my what a heartwarming story. Blessing to those lovely save all year when they are in need too. that is a story to inspire today. xoxo
Thank you for visiting my daughter over at her blog. Your comments mean a lot to her. She tells me, "Your friend, Andrea, left me a comment". I like that she knows you are a friend.
On behalf of Luray, I would like to thank you for your prayers. We are a small town with a high unemployment rate but we are filled with lots of love. Your thoughts and prayers for those in our community are so greatly appreciated!
I agree! Helping others with food or other needs is so important.
Our Awana group has a canned food drive every year at this time & we can get quite a lot of food collected. It amazes me every year how much this small group can bring in.
I should be back to work tomorrow. I got plenty of rest today.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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