Please visit Mary at Divinely Designed. Mary's Author interview is awesome. "The Eye of Deception" is the true story of our blog friend, Sarah/Nikki. I urge each of you to read the interview and consider buying Sarah's book to give to someone GOD puts in your path.
For those of you who tried to access Divinely Designed from last night until 11:30 eastern time, I am sorry. The link was NOT working. It is NOW RESTORED, PLEASE VISIT and read Sarah's interview. I would like to explain the gravity of this error. It is unbelievable the lengths the enemy has went to in trying to keep this interview from being posted. There have been numerous problems. I am MORE DETERMINED than ever to get the word out. GOD will be victorious and the enemy will NO LONGER win. Sarah's/Nikki's words are powerful and are VERY needed.
Amazed by HIS mercy and Grace,
Sarah is a precious blessing.
I will check it out.
thank you for the recommendation - Love reading books that are inspiring.
Love to you.
Will hop on over soon.....any friend of yours, has to be a great friend worth seeking!
thanks for sharing...will head over there and see
Love you Andrea and sending a big hug to you today
On my way over to check it out!!
Hugs and Sweet Blessings!
Praying sister. Don't ya worry. All the enemy can do is to annoy and delay what God's children want to do for His glory. He is in control!
This morning, the Lord wants me to spread His Word [You're the 3rd I am leaving it with]:
"I will make my people strong in my power, and they will go wherever they wish by my authority. I, the Lord, have spoken!" -Zechariah 10:12
I just ordered it last week! Thanks for letting everyone know about this powerful book!
xo, misha
p.s. can you pass on the link to your scrolling gadget where you have your prayer roll? I would really appreciate! Thanks :)
Good afternoon, sweet Andrea~
I agree with Michelle...heading over now!
Have a spirit filled day, my friend!
I will have to check it out. Thanks Girl.
Hi, Andrea. You have an award on my blog ('The End Of The Rainbow') to pick up. :)
You always bless me whether it is at my own blog, other blogs or your own. You truly encourage my heart and I thank YOU!
i'm going there now to check it out.
hope your day is bright!
Thanks for letting me know. It is fixed and I popped over.
I am heading over right now my friend. Praying you have a wonderful day. Thanks for giving me the heads up. Bless you friend!
Looks interesting. Have a fabulous weekend!
Thanks for your sweet comments...you are such a blessing!
Dear Andrea,
I've read the book and it is a powerful testimony of God's love and redemption. It will help many women. Sarah is truly inspiring....
I gave the book to my pastor. I hope they might put it in our bookstore.
Hi, Andrea!! Thanks for popping over by my place!!! It's always so much fun to meet new people!
I'm intrigued by that book. I'm heading over to check out the links! Thanks!
Reading such stories makes me appreciate the beauty that God has brought into my life. I pray that everyday there's a little less pain in the world and that God continues to strengthen Nikki with each passing day.
God Bless,
Dearest Andrea,
I've created a code box for my sister's button on my blog site. It's a hard thing to do, but God guided me through it. I wanted to get it up as soon as I could. If you copy the code, it should go into your rolling listing on your sidebar.
Thank you for continually keeping my family in your prayers. My sister needs to be lifted up big time as this is very serious. I know that you and many are storming the heavens on her behalf.
I love you so much dear friend.
Big Hugs & Prayers,
Belated Happy Birthday Will.
I will try to visit the link Andrea.
Thank you for sharing.
Have a beautiful weekend.
Thank you for sharing this.
How hard it is for the eyes of the deceived to be opened to the Lord. I am praying that all the unsaved, especially our loved ones, to discover and experience this truth we've found in Jesus.
Thank you, I often read her, but haven't for awhile.
6-9 inches of snow you say? That's not very amusing. You keep very warm and take care when you're out.
And Thank You for always commenting on my blog. It means the world to me.
You're supposed to get 6-9 inches of snow tonight? WOW! That's a good bit of snow!!!
Too funny as I hopped online to ask you a question, and you happened to pop in to my blog.
I was wondering if you had seen the "To Save a Life" movie, the trailer for it even, and if you could email me about it.
You can find me at kate_smith@integra.net
You can find the trailer at tosavealifemovie.org
Thanks, you have no idea how much I would appreciate your opinion...
I will go over to visit her.
Going to check out the link now :) Thanks
THanks for blogging about this book. Will check out Sarah's story from here.
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