Storming The Heavens In Prayer
I cry
I scream
I beg
I plead
Sometimes, I even stomp around!
Sometimes physically..
Sometimes emotionally..
I have lived out my life speaking my mind and heart....the good, the bad, and the ugly to GOD.
You might say:
"That doesn't sound very respectful!"
My answer to you would be:
GOD already knows my heart. He wants me to give all those hurts, pains and even questions to HIM. HE is GOD and HE can handle anything and everything I throw at HIM! HE loves me deeply, this I know for sure! In my deepest time of need, hurt, or pain, HE has never abandoned me. HE has held me in HIS arms and soothed my broken heart when "no" human could.
"The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior;my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.He is my shield, the power that saves me,and my place of safety." Psalm 18:2
My life lesson:
Never be afraid to share "all" of what's on your heart with GOD!
By HIS mercy and in the grip of HIS grace,
~This week I received an email asking me if there was a biblical reference for "storming the heavens in prayer." I used this term privately for many years. A couple of years ago, I began using it publicly, because it represents my actions in prayer. I realized my actions deserved an explanation. So, now you all know what "storming the heavens in prayer" means to me.