Savannah trying to climb a mountain of dirt at Point Of Rocks Park, Chesterfield, Virginia.
Many of us face mountains daily. We begin the climb and often become a bit dirty fighting our way to the top. We have a choice to make:
1) Keep up the good fight, knowing our Heavenly Father is with us every step of the way.
2) Give in and quit.
"The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent." Exodus 14:14 New American Standard
"Our king will rule us and lead us and fight our battles." 1 Samuel 8:20 The Message
"You take over. I'm about to die, my life an offering on God's altar. This is the only race worth running. I've run hard right to the finish, believed all the way. All that is left is the shouting-God's applause! Depend on it, he's an honest judge. He'll do right not only by me, but by everyone eager for his coming." 2 Timothy 4:6-8 The Message
Do not become so overwhelmed by the mountain in your life. Take the focus off the mountain and place it on your Heavenly Father. HE is cheering you on. Run up the mountain, knowing HE is right there with you.
Strengthened for the climb,
What an adorable picture!
Cute as a button!
Without Him, I'd never have surmounted those many mountains ... in Him, thru Him.
Have a lovely week. TTFN ~Marydon
What a precious picture and oh how true of me! Thank goodness the Lord does fight for me!! and that HE doesns't bring me to anything that HE won't bring me through :)
love you my friend
I love the way you shared Savannah's great pics and related it with the mountains we face in our own lives. She surely seemed she was having a lot of fun. But not when we are facing mountains of trials. I'm glad you shared those comforting verses and that would strengthen me knowing it's okay as I ascend, for the Lord is waiting up on top for me, for us...God bless you sister and please continue to pray for my son's healing. Love you.
Getting dirty climbing any mountain is good as long as your in pink!
Amen, Andrea. Thank you for popping by my blog. God bless.
Andrea: Thanks for this encouragement. I have a couple of mountains in my life right now, and I appreciate your reminder that I need to keep my eyes on the ONE who holds my hand, not the rocky path.
Andrea, My problem and its a BIG problem is I do not want to bother God with all my problems :( So I keep them to myself :( He has enough on his plate so to speak :(
Great post! Even an ant colony builds their mountain home one grain of sand at a time.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Such a lovely post and sweet photos! Thanks for stopping by my blog!It's nice to meet you too!
I have been staring at the mountain. There are times I feel like giving up.... good reminder to look up to Him. thanks! :O)
This is a beautiful post! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful wisdom.
Wonderful post, well the scriptures that guide us so gently to trust in Him as we climb our mountains...He's always there with us.
God bless you!
ok. how did you know I felt like quitting today???? Thanks for being faithful and posting this. And Savannah looks so squishy. :}
"The hills melted like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth."KJV - This most like is speaking of literal hills, created by our God, and His ability to destroy them. But, I like to think of him "melting" the "hills" that I must face every day in my life. Hey, I think I just found my post for the day.
Thanks and God Bless,
As long as we rely on God we will without a doubt make it to the top!
That mountain is just the first of many that Savannah will have to climb. Thank goodness she's being instructed by her family how to persevere to make it the top and that God is holding her hand the whole way. Wonderfully encouraging message from a simple mound of dirt.
Chester ;0=)
You made my day sayin' that Billy Graham woulda been surprised to have me on board with Samaritan's Purse. Mom has read several of their books and finds them to be wonderful Godly examples of how to live.
What a cutie!
I choose choice #1...and I am ready to run!
How about singing or humming while climbing that mountain?
I have no clue whats up with FF, can you e-mail the settings your using, maybe mine are off :(
Oh Andrea, how I needed to hear this today. Thanks for the lesson (and the pictures)!
Thanks, Andrea. Great shots. I feel just like Savannah only less enthusiastic on my climb :)!
God bless, Lori
Hi, Andrea~
It is amazing that our Heavenly Father hears EVERY ONE of our cries....each one individually. I praise God that He hears me when I cry out to Him and grabs a hold of me when I reach out Him.
What a great post....and wonderful pictures!
*Have something for you on my blog
This post actually gave me chills - it is so natural at times to take control and not allow God to His thing by leading us and showing us the way.
Love to you.
Thank you for your comment Andrea.
Good post, sound message, sometime the mountain is not as big as it appears too.
Have a Blessed Day
Dearest Andrea,
Yes, He is with us during every climb. Our footing may slip a little at times, but He is there to help put it back into it's rightful place. Oh what a mighty God we have. We need to let go, die unto self will and let His Will be done. In knowing that, His grace will cover us every time and despite the depth of the climb, He will be there along side of us helping us through it, getting us to it and we WILL reach the top with praise, honor and glory to His mighty name.
Powerful post my friend.
Love, Blessings & Hugs,
Great picture along with an excellent post!
What a darling way to present a great reminder. Thanks for sharing ...
Hi sister,
What a great bunch of pictures and I LOVE THE POST ON our mountains. No, quitting is not an option. Keeping my eye on Him and not the mountain, Love ya, Laurie
This is so appropos for me right now...taking the emphasis off the problem and let God fight for me. Thanks!
Hi Andrea,
What an adorable little tyke! Love how you put words to the picture. I am rereading 'Hind's Feet On High Places' right now which goes right along with your post. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your day.
Love this post. You include one of my favorite scriptures, "The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent." That has helped me through many battles. Thanks for the encouraging words today.
Lovely pictures....
Too adorable is your precious Savannah!
I appreciate your devotional thought on facing mountains. Very appropriate.
Great post! Love the pictures. I too have always been fascinated by hills. Wanted to clim them and trees all the time! Blessings dear one!
Lovely giving up is not an option when you are a child of God! There is always HOPE!
How very much fun for Savannah! Yes, we must keep climbing too. We are never alone. Sandra
I preached on this topic last weekend. You gave even more evidence about God and the battles that wage around us.
I'm getting caught up on all that I have been missing over here. What a wonderfully encouraging post Andrea! I love this and I love the pictures of your little Savannah climbing that mountain.
Hi, Not sure where you all live, but on Nov. 14th, women from around the world will be joining at different locations to fast and pray from 9 am-1 pm as part of Moms In Touch International's Arise! Cry Out! worldwide day of prayer. See for more info & to see if it's being hosted near you. (I found your blog doing a search for Arise! Cry Out! and Savannah)
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