"So be content with who you are, and don't put on airs. God's strong hand is on you; he'll promote you at the right time. Live carefree before GOD; HE is most careful with you." 1 Peter 5:6-7 The Message
The beautiful cardinal rests comfortably on the rail of my deck. He trusts his maker for his very existence. He appears carefree, enjoying the winter wonderland before him.
How many times do I miss GOD's blessings and the beauty of what HE has placed before me because I am consumed with my circumstances?
How many times have I worried about tomorrow instead of enjoying today?
Finding Contentment in Christ,
LOVE THIS! It is what i have been pondering now for some time!
My 15 year old is sitting here doing school and your song came on I forgot to mute it--and apologized to him. He said no leave it I love this song---huh? When has he heard Cat Stevens... Man I love that kid!
Right as usual, Andrea! Thanks for the reminder!!!
Thank you :)
Beautiful image and words...Thank you. Your words reinforce my thinking....
Awesome post my friend. Great words.
The Scripture in 1 Peter 5:6-7 really encouraged me today Andrea. God has really been speaking to me about timing. As I looked at the birds outside this morning, I was thinking about the trust they have in the Creator. And now seeing your cardinal encourages me to wait till His heavenly supply draws nigh.
Blessed by stopping by today,
Thank you for posting this because it's something I really needed to here right now! It's so easy to not be ourselves in order to "impress" others. Always striving to be something else but missing what is so awesome to begin with!
Good evening, Andrea~
I have learned the hard way to stop trusting in myself and other and to put ALL my trust in my Heavenly Father. My life is so much more peaceful! :> )
I have done this more times than I would like to admit!!!
BTW, I grabbed your beautiful button for my blogroll!!!
-Alisa Hope
So true! It is so hard not to focus on our circumstances. And you're right -- when our eyes aren't on Jesus we can definitely miss the beauty and blessings around us.
Of course I don't mind if you link with me. What a blessing!
Such a beautiful bird. I've been a little caught up in circumstances lately...thanks for the reminder today!
Dearest Andrea,
Beautiful words from a beautiful heart. Yes, the only way to find peace, contentment and so much more is only through Christ. His blessings are stored up for each one of us and He is just waiting to give them to us and...we need to be wide open to Him to receive them with praise and thanksgiving.
Love you so much my friend,
I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for adding a link to my blog here on your blog!
Those are some great questions you asked in this post. Our memory verse passage for the study this week is Philippians 4:11,13. It's not always easy, but cultivating an attitude of contentment can make such a huge difference!
Hope you have a great week!
Hi Andrea,
Oh, this photo in this post reminds me of the time we lived in Michigan. We had a deck with a bird-feeder and loved watching the birds visit us every day. I have a picture of it hanging in our wall.
Thank you for the reminder to enjoy today.
God cares for the birds of the field; we know he will care for us. Great picture and thought!
Thank you for this sweet reminder. I so needed to read this today. We never know how we will be touched when we visit someones site.
I appreciate you Andrea
I think the Lord makes us watch birds to remind us of just that...and another verse which always comes to me when I'm watching the birds is ' Consider the lillies of the field....'
I really like your new header, I forgot to say that the other day.
And I'm HONOURED for you to put my link on your page- thank you! I'm trying out the 'scheduled post' thingie for tomorrow's story.ie., I've it written and loaded...its about a sofa!!!!
I do this more than I should, Andrea. You are a great one for reminding me to keep my eyes on Jesus. I love you,
I love that word, contentment.
It even sounds comfortable.
Good words today. It reminds me of Matthew 10:29,31:
"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."
Thanks for the link too! I appreciate you.
Wow, we're on the same page today. I just wrote a devotional on birds. Not ready to post it yet, but I marvel at how God provides for His creation, and they never worry about where their next meal is coming from. If only we could trust and rest in God's provision like this!
Amen!! So true... God Bless
How lovely...and true!!!
Ofcourse I don't mind...you are too sweet...thank you!!!
Happy Monday!!!
I think birds have been on many of our minds lately, or even more... the illustrations that give us such a clear picture... not worrying, trusting, being content. Just the way God wants us to be. I love this!
And your page heading is perfect!!
What a precious post Andrea(:)
Glad you love your new bi-focals too (:) hugs, Patty
Finding contentment, sitting in HIs love. THanks for the encouragement today.
Joyful hugs,
Sarah Dawn
i SO LOVE this shot of the cardinal, especially when i click it and enlarge the pic...the snow is gorgeous and so is he.
Go, God!
love in the moment...you've captured it well :)
Such an inspirational blog and today's post is so true! Thank you for adding my link and always stopping by with a friendly hello! Love that photo of the bird too! so sweet!
Man, what an awesome post. Love that cardinal. Not a care in the world. Like it should be with us. Blessings dear one!
What a great reminder and beautiful picture to go along with it.
Thanks Andrea. :-)
Hugs and Blessings,
Andrea, that is a beautiful photo and a lovely thought!
Thank you for adding Writing to Distraction to your list.
Andrea, I can relate to stealing our joy battle much more than I like to admit. And at the rate my marriage and business is going right now - I might have to turn in my learners permit! I like the new look of your blog....looks great.
Thank you for linking to my blog. You have blessed me today.. Thank you!
Thanks so much for this reminder. I needed it today! Too often I cause myself so much stress by worrying about things that only GOD has control of anyway! I need to try harder to leave things up to HIM!!
A very thought provoking post Andrea, makes one think about what is really important.
What a beautiful truth you have spoken here today! Love it!
Our decks almost look identical from the snow to the cardinal. Thanks Andrea!
Cindy at Lakewood
Beautiful photo and beautiful post:-)
Oh my gosh, I can't tell you how many times I have worried about tomorrow and missed the blessings in today. I can't be reminded of this enough -- thank you!
And thank you for adding the Graceful link to your blog list -- you are the best!
What peace this posts brings! Just makes you take a deep breath and you can FEEEEEEL THE TRUST. WOW
Andrea! Thank you for sharing this.
I love you so and am sending big hugs to you
Thank you Andrea for sharing this beautiful post!!
Thanks so much for a great message...I have, at times, been guilty of allowing circumstances to consume me, worrying about the 'what ifs' in my life.
I love the picture...
Beautiful picture and so well said.
Thanks for sharing!
until next time... nel
I love this post!
Such lovely words.
This is true for so many of us. Thanks for sharing Andrea!
Thanks for that awesome message
and scripture, Andrea. Be
blessed. ~Nita
Hi Andrea, thanks for reading my blog... and thanks for praying for my son when he had his surgery. We really really appreciated it!
I love the cardinal on your deck, and the picture it represents. I start to worry and forget so often that God takes care of all my needs too....I read today that "worry is the worship of circumstance".... misplaced worship at its best!
Thanks for the link. I'm honored.
This was beautiful post.
Beautiful picture and post, Andrea.
Auh, it is my cardinal friend. Lol. I see him in the summer and often this winter. My feeders are unfortunately down from wind destroying them. :(
To be content, *sigh* really has been the hardest thing for me. But I have been holding on to my fathers hand as he leads me on. I know patience and peace surround me and I am getting better. I trust my father but sometimes I want to get ahead of the game and see what the ending is before it is time to see it. That is not a good thing. But I continue to work on this and get better. Thanks for sharing. God Bless you!
I love the picture you posted of the cardinal in the white snow...such a lovely picture of faith and trust!
Yes, contentment is a badly needed character in the world today.
I understand where you are coming from on this one. I have been guilty of the same thing and I will tell you, lately I too have been looking at the blessing in everything. Last Friday when I found the last two pairs of trouser socks that matched I said "thank you God for favor." It's incredible how wonderful you feel when you can be thankful for the little things. This post wasn't long, but it said a lot!
By the way, it is a blessing to be on your reading list!
So true!! Bring everything all back into perspective. When we realize the we can totally rest in His love, protection, and peace....our life can be as this little bird.....carefree and content knowing we are taken care of. thanks for sharing.
Free in Christ
He knows it's provided. In total trust, he simply flies off to find it. I long for that kind of faith.
Awesome! Living in complete contentment. Great words!
I've had to break from the blogging for a while to focus on my daughter's senior year- home education days are almost over for me. So, when I visited your page today I just smiled when I saw how big your blog following has become! So many are blessed by your commitment to pray for their needs, your inspiring words that point straight to Jesus, your gentle and quiet spirit that emanates through your blog- and I am one of those who love to read you.
Thank you for the wonderful words of life and for the link!
OH MY.............That has been my struggle since the breakup of my engagement..... Desiring to create a new world for MYSELF and not resting the peace of God being in complete control of my life! Such an awesome post........... Learning to be content IN ALL THINGS.... Gods plan is ALWAYS THE BEST PLAN... Thank you for the sweet and gentle reminder!
I recently read, By wanting other people's blessings you are missing your own blessings. I like that thought too! It is so true! How much we miss when we are distracted!
How beautiful and so true!
Hey, my friend~
Have you heard about the snow that's coming? I heard 2-4 tonight and then it is supposed to start Friday morning and not stop until Tuesday with an accumulation of up to 30 inches. I LOVE IT!!
Be safe and KEEP WARM!
I always liked the KJV "Casting all your care," etc. But Peterson does turn a phrase beautifully without damage to the truth.
Love this post! I too often try to dip into God's provision basket set aside for tomorrow's worries today and that never works out. I just keep reminding myself that He has provided me all I need just to get through today.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I find myself getting caught up in thoughts and worries when I know I should be content and know God is looking after me. Thank you for the reminder! :-)
I love your new look Andrea!
This was a very encouraging post...especially knowing some changes that are coming our way---I love to watch the birds in the yard --knowing that HE is their provider. As HE IS OURS.
Love this Word you shared!
Another great quote, Andrea. You always seem to be thinking parallel to me. I think that is good. Yes?
Also, love the cardinal. I grew up in Ohio where the cardinal is our state bird. I love them. Just to see such a flash of color against the snow inspires awe in our wonderful Creator.
Thanks again for adding my link.
This is so good Andrea! Every day should be lived to the fullest....unfortunately we let our circumstances override from time to time. I'm just glad HE never gives up on us! Blessings! Nice to meet another prayer warrior!
I so love coming over to visit you..you always have such good reminders...just what I need to hear sweet friend. xo
thank you Andrea for reminding me to appreciate the here and now! :O)
Oh how I love your verse from the Message Andrea. Such a beautiful promise. It is so easy to get caught up in our circumstances like you said. Thank you for the reminder to live on day at a time and enjoy every moment.
Lee Ann
Beautiful! I agree we miss a lot when we take our focus off of Him and His goodness to us.
Andrea, what a wonderful reminder! Oh that we could be content with what He has placed before us.
Thank you for adding the link to my blog. Hugs to you.
I am so encouraged by your photo and devotional. You are so talented and inspirational. Love ya!
It's been a challenging day today and I needed this. Adore your photo too.
I needed this encouragement today Andrea. Thank you! What a blessing you are to so many!
Beautiful photo and encouragement. Thank you, Andrea. BIG blessings to you, sweet lady!
Love the photo, WOW! how much snow have yall gotten?
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