I posted this picture on my facebook page. Several of my friends thought they were sharks. They are dolphins. Being present and viewing with our own eyes, we knew the truth. However, from a distance and in a picture one might think otherwise. Looks can be deceiving.
A few years ago, my husband, Doug was approached by the chairman of deacons regarding a situation he was involved in. He said to Doug, "That just doesn't look right." Doug said, "What is more important? What is right or what looks right? Where would JESUS be and what would HE do in this situation?" The chairman of deacons was speechless.
My challenge for all of us, today is:
Look with the eyes of JESUS! Do not be quick to judge, your view may not be as clear as you think! When we look through the eyes of JESUS: "we will know the truth and the truth will set us free." John 8:32 NLT
In HIS grip,