Wednesday, February 18, 2009

God's Beautiful Creation

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1

As I gaze upon one form of GOD's creation I am amazed and overwhelmed. The vast ocean lay before me, waves pounding upon the dark Virginia sand. Time and time again I visit, yet my view is always uniquely beautiful. Only a divine creator could provide this unbelievable gift.

Today, the heavens open spilling tear shaped raindrops upon us, a reminder of GOD's cleansing and renewal. A day of rest, "says my Lord," a gentle reminder of His perfect plan for each of our lives.

Often we hurry, run, and aggressively push our way through each day. Not today; I am listening, Dearest Heavenly Father. I rest in your arms enjoying the beauty, cleansing, and renewal.....the perfect gift you have given me for this day.

Resting in the arms of my Heavenly Father,



Sit-N-Chat said...

It seems like I have read much about His creation today. I enjoyed your post and your testimony for Him.

Thank you.
Jennifer B

Heart2Heart said...

I can only imagine how peaceful this day was for you all, may God bless you and restore your souls while you relax in His arms!


RCUBEs said...

Amen! My child's devotion today was also this verse. What a confirmation that all these creations reflect our Lord's love for us who He created in His image. I'm glad that you found time to reflect on His loving arms by seeing His masterpieces. God bless!